Friday 29 August 2008

Teacher's Day 2008

today is teacher's day and there is no lesson. What we did in school was alot of singing and the ACES day workout. For my class we made cards as a tribute to our favourite teachers (Mrs. Cheng and Ms.Kaur). The aces workout is 'gay' (what jia hao told me) but its fun to dont care about how silly you look sometime and do anything silly, with the rest of the whole student body!
What i liked about the workout is the student's reaction to the dance, even though they were laughing all the way at everyone, they do not really feel they are a right d***head as they follow mr arul, so im guessing that they can accept childish things, maybe this is the correct time to start persuading people to watch KR and SS ( -.-" haha not really, i still dont think they'll really like KR or SS).

放学后,我和jia hao, yuen jie, song ren,回去福春小学,去见一下老师和老同学. 不过有一件很令我意外的事发生了.我十二点半就到了学校门口,在等jia hao他们, 不过我先进去,不等了. 然后我突然见到kevin loh yuan ting (remember him lbg? 在铜乐队的朋友), 然后又碰上子婷,不过着回她认出我,然后我们就聊了一下.她问我的第一个问题是"这几年有没有想过她","为什么不去找她",把我吓了一跳.后来,我得知她也是很多科目不及格,不过华文竟然考个75分! 她问我华文考几分,then i say 58 ony but she dun believe me, and i told her i failed maths and she thought i was lying. but thats a good thing because she thinks im good at maths, when i was primary one i was godlike like maths, im often banned from taking a side or a group during math games cause i'll simply ruin the game but now i cannot pass which is why she didnt believe me. from now i want to work hard, at the same time i want to continue this friendship.

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