Tuesday 24 March 2009

march better

march was march better, wai?

cause i haf been noticed for keeping my files, and ill do well for mid-year.
Besides its the first term i passed everything
Distinction for lit ~ yay ~ (A2 tho)
got better in dota, was dominating with sven and unstoppable with skeleton king
watched alot of naruto, c'est super
felt better abt myself ... abit
less jerks and bastards this months, everyone's busy with sth.
i think i changed (for the better ofcourse) cause i can work 4 hours aday without exhausting myself too much and i havent lost anything thing month.
studied in the Buriel (library) and the librarian sae can see her next tues for some CIP hours
my nose problems subsided.
learnt alot in A-maths lesson - Mr Tung is de best la, happy retirement to you in may , gunna miss u T.T
Added my isb, marsiling frens on FB, and realised i have alot more friends i think i have

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