Friday 16 January 2009

Final Year

2007- 10.6 L1R5 MSG
2008- 10.2 L1R5 MSG
2009- 9.6 L1R5 MSG???

OMG the school is expecting a 9.6 MSG from us!!!

When i saw this, i had mixed feeling about this. I was happy because the school tells us that we can do it, but at the same time, im worried that i may score much worse than the expected 9.6 msg, cause so far my best L1R5 grade is 26.

But i think we can do it, the class's attitude is improving each day of school, the distractive people is being less distractive and more under controll now. Mugger land now not only has people who mug but people who study not right before a test or exam. The noise level has lowered, and population of people who paid attention increased. In the first week we had one day with perfect attendance.

It seems like everyone is ready to move towards the 9.6 goal the school has set for us. Those who have been partying in sec3 (most, if not all) and getting lousy grades will now get better grades, and hopefully by the end of year something close to 9.6

I will definately do better this year (mostly because its hard to get any lower than 29 L1R5) and hopefully i get something like 12 points for my 'O's. 老大(10 after bonus pts) said he was going to innova jc (20 pts). I dnt really kno where ill go next, but anyways i want a good 'O' level results thats all...

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