Saturday 19 July 2008

eating fund - roflmfao

i donated 45cents to jaspers eating fund and 50cents to fredericks eating fund and 50cents to the busker in woodlands bus interchange on thursday. They say they collect eating funds cause their parents dint gave em enouf money to eat (ya, and jasper goes to watch dark knight some more, he has no money? i doubt!).

I also donate rice through the UN world food program. through . Its good for expanding your vocab, if you dont wanna donate.

Ya and sean ask me to write sth about him in tis blog so im gunna say dat he's someone who takes it easy too much and he needs to give more during school and work which gets him into trouble wid some teachers. But i also have this to say, he's smart and knows what he's doing (slacking la) and he can sing and act cool.

And saturday (11th july) CHIJ drama night we were supposed to be seated by 6:30 guess what time it started? 7:30! and it was supposed to end by 10:pm and guess what time it finished? 8:40! And by the time i reached home it was only 9:30 and i made it back early to celebrate ling's b'day...

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